Lagan Specialist Contracting Group won two awards at the 24th Annual Occupational Safety Awards. The awards recognise how organisations manage health and safety at work and bring together the Northern Ireland Safety Group (NISG) and the National Irish Safety Organisation (NISO) making it an All-Ireland affair. Held on Friday 2nd October 2015, Lagan Specialist Contracting Group won the Bronze Award coming in 4th top in the overall award.
Lagan Specialist Contracting Group also won an inaugural award, The Anderco Superior Performance Award which is awarded to the company that scores the highest in Section 10 of the award entry demonstrating superior performance in Health and Safety. The award criteria states that it is awarded to the organisation who best demonstrates evidence that they have introduced pro-active measures over and above the legal requirement to provide a superior safety working environment for all.
Pictured L-R: Anderco Superior Performance Award Presentation: Martin O’Halloran (CEO, HAS), Pauric Corrigan (President, NISO) Anderco Representative, Alan Bruce (Managing Director, Anderco Safety Ireland Ltd), Nicola McCracken (H&S Training Manager, Lagan Specialist Contracting Group) ; Darren McClean(HSEQ Manager, Lagan Specialist Contracting Group), Jimmy Fenton (Chairman Northern Ireland Safety Group; Raymond Gately (Quality Manager, Lagan Construction Group, N17 Site), Gary Kennedy (H&S Manager Lagan Specialist Contracting Group, N17 Site), Keith Morrison (Chief Executive HSENI).